5 Best daily nutritional supplements

5 Best daily nutritional supplements that are essential.

5 Best daily nutritional supplements.

With the recent Corona pandemic, everyone is striving to stay as healthy as they can. We are all trying to boost our immunity by taking in foods rich in essential nutrients.

However, not all foods that you consume contain the vital nutrients you need for the optimal functioning of your body, and that’s where nutritional supplements come in handy.

So, whether you are on a campaign to stay healthy or reduce the risk of you getting specific chronic ailments such as heart diseases by the use of nutritional supplements, then read on as this article got you covered.

I summarize what exactly is dietary supplements and 5 daily nutritional supplements that are essential for your overall wellness.
What exactly are nutritional supplements also known as dietary supplements?

They are extracts from plants or animals used to meet your body’s demand for nutrients. These supplements are taken by way of mouth and come in many forms, including gummies, liquids, pills or tablets, powders, and gel capsules.

5 daily nutritional supplements.

At one point or the other, most of us need to take some dietary supplements either due to age or an underlying condition such as kidney disease. Below is a list of some of the 5 daily nutritional supplements most of us need and some of the benefits associated with these supplements.

Fish oils.

This supplement comes in the form of tablets known as Omega 3 fatty acid tablets. These fatty acids are essential for brain development, especially in young kids. Supplementing yourself with these tablets helps you lower the chances of getting chronic ailments such as heart diseases and stroke. These tablets also help in boosting your immunity.

It’s recommended that you take at least 500mg-900mg of omega 3 fatty acid tablets per day for optimal body functioning. However, it’s essential that you first consult your doctor before you begin taking this supplement.

5 daily nutritional supplements.

Folic acid.

This is a synthetic version of folate. Its also known as vitamin B9, which is typically in the form of liquid or tablet. Folate is essential in forming DNA, healthy white blood cells (help fight against diseases), and red blood cells (necessary for oxygen transportation in the body).

This supplement is mainly used to treat folate deficiency anaemia in most adults and prevent developmental anomalies of the unborn in pregnant women. Such abnormalities include underdeveloped skull and spinal cord defects.

If you are planning to get pregnant, then it’s recommended that you supplement your diet with 400Micrograms per day for up to 3 months in pregnancy. Ensure that you book an appointment with your doctor for the correct dosage, as the dosage of these supplements can vary between people.

5 daily nutritional supplements.

Vitamin D.

Your body produces vitamin D from cholesterol when your skin gets exposed to the sun. However, most of the time, vitamin D is usually in insufficient amounts, which require it to be regularly supplemented. Some of the factors that cause this vitamin not to be produced in sufficient quantities include; darker skin pigmentation, cold seasons, and old age.

And since you cannot get this fat-soluble vitamin from the food, it’s vital that you use nutritional supplements to keep its bioavailability in your body in check. This supplement comes in 2 forms. Vitamin D2 (extracted from plants) and VitaminD3 (extracted from animals) are the most potent forms.

You should take at least 400-800 international units of Vitamin D supplements per day to help improve your bones integrity and increase the absorption and reabsorption of calcium in your body.

5 daily nutritional supplements.

Magnesium supplements.

Facilitating about 600 enzymatic reactions in your body, this mineral is essential for proper body functioning. However, magnesium is usually abundant in most foods that you eat; thus, it’s recommended that you take these magnesium supplements in moderation to avoid toxicity.

Adults should take a maximum of 350mg per day, while children aged 1-3 years should take a maximum of 65mg per day, and children aged 4-8 years shouldn’t ingest more than 110mg of magnesium supplements in a day.

People who have sugar-related abnormalities or have been in long-term antibiotic therapy are the most likely to suffer from magnesium deficiencies.

5 daily nutritional supplements.


The term probiotic is coined from the Latin word pro(for) and the Greek word bios(life). A probiotic is a term used to define all beneficial bacteria or yeast that helps keep you healthy by fighting against pathogenic (harmful) bacteria that cause diarrhoea.

One of the most notable probiotic supplements contains Lactobacillus GG, which helps shorten or lessen the course of diarrheal infection in children. If you have gastrointestinal issues such as constipation, it’s recommended that you consult your doctor, who will guide you on using these probiotics supplements.

Pro-tip; When purchasing a probiotic, choose the one that contains lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, or Saccharomyces boulardii, since they are the most researched on bacteria and are sure to cause no adverse effects on you.

Key takeaway.

Note that nutritional supplements are not medications. You should never replace a completely balanced meal with these supplements; instead, use them in combination for more effective results. Always consult your doctor before undertaking a supplemental dietary regimen.

Remember, the FDA does not regulate dietary supplements, hence when purchasing them, ensure that you buy them from a trusted and known brand that has their products third-party certified.

5 daily nutritional supplements.


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