3 Ingredients that will make you

3 Ingredients that will make you look 10 years younger.

3 Ingredients that will make you look 10 years younger.

As a human, our health and skin should be our priority and the only way to achieve that is by eating healthily and taking proper care of our skin.

So, for this reason, I will give you just 3 traditional beauty tips that will make you look 10 years younger than your actual age.

1. Turmeric.

Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow color, It has been in existence for thousands of years in India as a spice and medicinal herb used in traditional beauty tips.

Recently, studies have started to back up what Indians have known for ages. It really does contain a compound with medicinal properties which is called curcuminoids, the most important of which is curcumin.

Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric, it has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiseptic property, all of which make it a miracle herb.

Turmeric has been used for ages to treat skin conditions, and it does have modern scientific backing. Its effectiveness for skin health was proved in a study by dermatologists in the year 2016.

Skin conditions treated with turmeric turned out to heal faster and the outcome was perfect. The combination of turmeric and other ingredients will make you look 10 years younger than your actual age.

2. Egg whites.

The egg is one of many healthy superfoods found in homes. Not only do eggs give your body protein when you consume them in various forms, but egg also nourishes your hair and skin.

Thanks to lutein found in eggs, an egg can hydrate and enhance the elasticity of your skin, and protein helps repair face tissues. Egg whites will firm, tighten and tone your skin without adding a harsh chemical found in some other wash products.

Various benefits exist when you apply egg white with some other ingredients to your face and let it sit for 10-15 minutes, without harsh chemicals like retinol. It shrinks the large pores where bacteria can grow, it will greasy skin, and prevent pimples and cysts, reducing the acne on your face.

They can as well form a protective layer over your face to avoid sunburn and blisters. Nutrients found in the egg may also benefit your skin in more ways. Egg whites also lighten the scarred skin, and over time any scars should start to disappear.

If you continue applying an egg white mask to your face for two to three weeks, you should start to see the result. If you have dry skin and because of that, you may feel itchy during summer, this kind of skin is also susceptible to flaking, rashes, and cracks.

To help your skin, moisturize your dry skin with these egg whites, although, this is one of those problems where egg whites probably won’t be enough, add other ingredients like turmeric, lemon juice, and virgin coconut oil.

The proteins and amino acid acids in the egg whites along with the antimicrobial property of virgin coconut oil and Vitamin C present in lemon help in all levels of moisturizing. Just make sure you mix them well properly, once it is done, you should apply them to your skin.

3. Brown sugar.

Brown sugar is a popular sweetener used in many culinary applications and in traditional beauty tips, it is simply white sugar mixed with molasses. A brown sugar scrub is one of the best ways to exfoliate the skin and keep it cellulite-free.

Brown sugar helps boost metabolism which can help in weight loss efforts. It has an energizing effect making it a popular addition to coffee. It has antiseptic property that helps speed up wound healing.

Mixing brown sugar in warm water and drinking it can reduce the symptom of asthma and can actually act as a game-changer in oatmeal.

Though, when it comes to nutrition, brown sugar offers only slightly more nutrients than white sugar. It contains calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and a high concentration of carbohydrates.

The unique other health benefits of brown sugar include its ability to boost energy levels, prevent colds, treat uterine infections, improve digestion, reduce flatulence, and aid. In traditional medicine, some people have blended this variety of sugar and ginger into a healthy tea that can eliminate the discomfort of menstrual cramps.

Mixing these three ingredients together and apply on your skin 3 times a week will make your skin fresh and smooth, applying this mixture to your face will make you look ten years younger than your actual age.

How to do these traditional beauty tips? In a small mixing bowl, pour in your egg whites, a tablespoon of brown sugar, and a teaspoon of turmeric. Mix everything very well until incorporated. Apply this mixture to your skin/face three times a week, you will start seeing the result in 2-3 weeks.

Happy reading.


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